The 2009 Mushing History Conference is developing well as the organizers work toward bringing together authors, historians, researchers, writers, veteran mushers, and supporters of the colorful history of sled dog travel for this unprecedented gathering in Alaska.
The Conference is scheduled for the first weekend in November, with a meeting for the presenters planned for Friday, November 6th, and the Conference to be held on Saturday and Sunday, November 7th and 8th.
Presentations will cover the evolution of man's relationship with working sled dogs, including delivering the U.S. mail by dogteam, polar expeditions, the Centennial of the Iditarod National Historic Trail, Joe Redington's work with dogteams for the U.S. Army, trapline use of sled dogs, historic and present-day sled dog races, Esther Birdsall Darling, the evolution of sled dog nutrition and diets, and much more. Also presented will be photographs, books, maps, pamphlets, posters, slide shows, mushing films, videos, short subjects, documentaries and other media.
A sampling of the confirmed speakers to date is available at the conference website. For information about the Conference contact:
Conference Director: Tim White, 881 County Road 14, Grand Marais, MN; email: twhite@boreal.org
Coordinator: Helen Hegener, Northern Light Media, P.O. Box 759, Palmer, Alaska 99645; (907) 354-3510; email: helen@northernlightmedia.com